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Aug 27 2024

Commander Banlist Update: What's New and Why?

Key Takeaways

  • The cards banned are listed in the first section

  • The Commander banned list is essential for maintaining a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience by banning cards that disrupt fairness and player expression.

  • Recent updates to the banlist aim to enhance player enjoyment and address issues of power and consistency, with notable cards like Hullbreacher and Golos having been banned for creating unbalanced situations.

  • Rule 0 allows players to modify game rules for a personalized experience, emphasizing communication and mutual agreement among Commander Pod participants to foster a fun gaming environment.

Cards Banned

Only cards that are playable in sanctioned Magic formats are legal in Commander.

Silver & Gold Bordered Cards

All Silver Bordered Cards and Gold Bordered Cards are banned from Commander.

Ante Cards

All cards referencing the "ante" mechanic (from the very early days of Magic) are also banned.

Conspiracy Cards

All cards from Conspiracy are banned.

The Ban List

The following cards are banned; the official full list is available here.

  • Ancestral Recall

  • Balance

  • Biorhythm

  • Black Lotus

  • Braids, Cabal Minion

  • Channel

  • Chaos Orb

  • Coalition Victory

  • Emrakul, the Aeon’s Torn

  • Erayo, Soratami Ascendant

  • Falling Star

  • Fastbond

  • Flash

  • Gifts Ungiven

  • Golos, Tireless Pilgrim

  • Griselbrand

  • Hullbreacher

  • Iona, Shield of Emeria

  • Karakas

  • Leovold, Emissary of Trest

  • Library of Alexandria

  • Limited Resources

  • Lutri, the Spellchaser

  • Mox Emerald

  • Mox Jet

  • Mox Pearl

  • Mox Ruby

  • Mox Sapphire

  • Panoptic Mirror

  • Paradox Engine

  • Primeval Titan

  • Prophet of Kruphix

  • Recurring Nightmare

  • Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary

  • Shahrazad

  • Sundering Titan

  • Sway of the Stars

  • Sylvan Primordial

  • Time Vault

  • Time Walk

  • Tinker

  • Tolarian Academy

  • Trade Secrets

  • Upheaval

  • Yawgmoth’s Bargain

Understanding the Commander Ban List

An illustration representing the concept of the Commander Ban List in Magic: The Gathering.

The banned list serves a critical purpose: to maintain a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience. The cards on the banned list generally threaten a "positive player experience", ensuring fairness and fun for all participants and preventing any single card from dominating the meta. This list, curated by the Rules Committee, addresses cards that can disrupt the game’s balance and restrict reasonable self-expression in deck-building.

Commander also embraces “Rule 0,” an unofficial guideline that lets players modify the rules by mutual agreement, fostering customization and fun. Whether it’s bending rules or using banned cards, Rule 0 emphasizes the importance of having fun and creating a unique gaming experience with friends.

Recent Changes to the Commander Banned List

An illustrated timeline showcasing recent changes to the Commander Ban List.

Reviewed and updated every three months, the Commander ban list keeps the meta fresh and balanced. This schedule allows the Rules Committee to assess gameplay and make necessary adjustments based on player feedback and format health.

Changes to the list are typically announced the week after a new set’s prerelease, keeping the community informed about any new bans or restrictions.

August 2023 Update

The most recent update to the Commander ban list occurred in August 2023, where specific cards were added to maintain a healthier game environment and improve player experiences. The rationale provided by the Rules Committee for these changes focused on maintaining balance and enhancing player engagement.

These updates aim to enhance the enjoyment and fairness of the fun value engine in Commander games.

Hullbreacher and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim

Hullbreacher and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim were notable bans from 2021, aimed at enhancing the play experience by addressing issues related to power level and consistency in the format. These cards were known for their ability to yield insurmountable advantages, disrupting the balance in games.

Their banning highlighted the importance of maintaining a fair and enjoyable play environment.

Criteria for Banning Cards in Commander

Banning criteria in Commander focus on managing cards that disrupt enjoyable gameplay rather than enforcing competitive balance. The primary goals are to prevent cards that negatively impact player experience, are overly consistent, or limit other players’ opportunities.

However, the ban list has faced criticism for its lack of clear reasoning behind specific bans, leading to confusion among players.

Power Level and Consistency

High power levels can affect the game’s balance, necessitating bans to maintain gameplay integrity. Cards such as Golos, Tireless Pilgrim and Primeval Titan have been banned due to their ability to generate excessive advantages, undermining other strategies. Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary, for example, provides consistent mana production that can lead to rapid game progress, overshadowing other players.

In the August 2023 update, several cards were banned to enhance the overall game experience and address strategies that disrupted the format. These decisions highlight the ongoing effort to balance power levels and ensure a fair playing field for all participants.

Negative Player Experiences & Boring Games

Negative experiences often stem from cards that create unbalanced matchups or disrupt game flow. Hullbreacher, for instance, was banned due to its ability to significantly disrupt opponents’ card draw, leading to frustrating and unbalanced gameplay. Similarly, Golos, Tireless Pilgrim, was recognized for its negative impact on gameplay, often resulting in unbalanced matchups and reduced overall player enjoyment.

Other problematic cards like Panoptic Mirror led to repetitive, unexciting games, while cards like Winter Orb can prevent players from using lands effectively. These examples illustrate how certain cards can facilitate frustrating gameplay by disrupting the game’s flow or limiting player interactions.

Restricting Self-Expression

The Commander ban list also aims to ensure that gameplay promotes a positive experience while allowing for reasonable self-expression among players. Certain cards are banned because they inhibit players’ ability to creatively build their decks and express their individual play styles.

Limiting strict deck-building restrictions, the banlist aims to preserve the format’s diversity and fun.

Notable Controversies and Inconsistencies

An illustration depicting notable controversies in the Commander Banlist.

A successful banlist helps players understand which strategies or cards are problematic. However, the current Commander ban list has faced criticism for being confusing and inconsistent.

Inconsistent criteria in the banlist can lead to confusion about banned cards and what is considered acceptable for the format.

Panoptic Mirror vs. Legal Cards

Critics argue that the ban on Panoptic Mirror is inconsistent, especially when compared to legal cards like Drannith Magistrate, which can also create repetitive gameplay. Drannith Magistrate, despite being a legal card, raises questions about the consistency of including Panoptic Mirror on the banlist. This highlights the incoherence in the banlist’s logic, where some cards are banned for repetition while others remain legal.

The inclusion of Panoptic Mirror on the banlist while allowing cards like Armageddon further underscores the inconsistencies. This paradox illustrates the challenges in maintaining a coherent and fair banlist that aligns with the stated goals of enhancing player experience.

Coalition Victory and Other Questionable Bans

The bans on cards like Coalition Victory and Biorhythm raise questions about their justification compared to other legal cards. Biorhythm, for example, has been banned due to its potential to abruptly end games without warning. However, similar cards that can create game-ending scenarios, like Craterhoof Behemoth, remain allowed, adding to the confusion.

These questionable bans underscore the inconsistencies in the criteria used for banning cards. The presence of cards like Coalition Victory on the banlist, while other powerful cards remain unbanned, underscores the need for clearer guidelines and better communication about the reasons behind specific bans.

The Role of Rule 0 in Commander Games

Rule 0 suggests that local groups can modify the official rules of Commander as they see fit. This flexibility allows players to create a more personalized gaming experience, emphasizing the importance of fun and self-expression.

Rule 0 fosters a casual gaming environment where players can adjust rules for enhanced enjoyment and better engagement.

What is Rule 0?

Rule 0 is an unofficial guideline that permits players to change game rules, provided there is consensus among all participants. The purpose of Rule 0 is to enable players to agree on the rules before starting a game, fostering a collaborative gaming environment.

This principle encourages players to discuss what makes the game enjoyable for everyone involved.

Implementing Rule 0

Effective Rule 0 implementation involves players openly communicating to agree on exceptions or modifications to the standard rules. Discussing Rule 0 before gameplay ensures all players are comfortable with any proposed modifications.

By expressing their desired play styles and preferences, players can ensure a shared understanding of the game dynamics.

Special Categories of Banned Cards

An illustration of special categories of banned cards in Magic: The Gathering.

Certain categories of cards are banned for reasons beyond just gameplay balance. These include offensive cards, ante cards, and Conspiracy cards, each of which has unique reasons for being excluded from Commander play.

Offensive MTG Cards

Offensive MTG cards are banned because they are deemed racially or culturally insensitive. This ban includes cards whose art, text, name, or a combination of these elements are considered offensive.

The aim is to ensure that the game remains inclusive and respectful to remind players for all players.

Ante Cards

Ante cards are banned in all formats, including Commander, due to their mechanic that requires players to "stake" cards from their decks. This introduces a gambling element unsuitable for the format.

Additionally, ante cards can disrupt the standard deck size requirement by introducing randomness to gameplay.

Conspiracy Cards

Conspiracy cards are not permitted in Commander because they introduce unique gameplay mechanics that are incompatible with the format’s structure. Designed for limited play scenarios, these cards can disrupt traditional constructed formats like Commander.

As a result, twenty-five Conspiracy cards are banned in Commander and all other MTG formats.

Proposed Changes to Improve the Banlist

An illustration showing proposed changes to improve the Commander Banlist.

The effectiveness of the Commander ban list depends on its ability to adapt to the current state of gameplay and player experiences. Engaging with the community allows players to influence discussions about the ban list and propose changes.

Suggestions for revising the banlist focus on adapting to evolving gameplay and player feedback.

Streamlining the Banlist

A simplified banlist could improve player understanding and accessibility. A coherent banlist is essential for maintaining balanced gameplay in Commander. Improved clarity in the banlist can lead to a better overall gameplay experience for players.

Addressing Egregious Cards

Some cards are scrutinized for their capacity to dominate gameplay, necessitating their removal for balanced play. By focusing on the most egregious cards, the banlist can maintain balance without upsetting too many players.

This approach ensures the most problematic cards are addressed while maintaining a conservative stance on bannings.

Community Feedback and Discussion

Community engagement plays a crucial role in shaping the Commander ban list, encouraging players to share their thoughts and experiences. Some fans suggest that the Commander ban list may be unnecessary due to the strong social contract within the EDH community.

By participating in discussions, players help maintain the format’s health and ensure their voices are heard.

RC Discord Server

The RC Discord server serves as a key platform for players to connect and share their thoughts with the Rules Committee. Community engagement is crucial for discussing the philosophy of Commander and its banlist.

By engaging in these discussions, players can contribute to the ongoing evolution of the format.

Social Media and Forums

Various platforms like Twitter and dedicated forums allow players to express their opinions and participate in ongoing discussions about Commander. Players are encouraged to use these platforms to share their insights and engage in debates about the banlist and format philosophy.

Community involvement is crucial for maintaining the health of the Commander format and ensuring player voices are heard.


In summary, the Commander ban list is a living document shaped by the collective efforts of the community and the Rules Committee. Its primary goal is to ensure a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience by addressing cards that negatively impact the format. The recent changes, including the August 2023 update, reflect ongoing efforts to maintain this balance and respond to player feedback. Controversies and inconsistencies in the ban list highlight the need for clearer criteria and better communication.

Ultimately, the role of Rule 0 and community engagement cannot be overstated. By allowing players to customize their gaming experience (by using a banned card, for instance) and actively participate in discussions about the banlist, the Commander community continues to thrive. As we look to the future, proposed changes and ongoing dialogue will ensure that the banlist evolves to meet the needs of players while preserving the spirit of Commander. Let’s keep the conversation going and work together to create the best possible Commander experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of banned cards mentioned that seem inconsistent with the current format?

It’s interesting to see cards like Coalition Victory, Biorhythm, Upheaval, and Sway of the Stars banned while other powerful cards remain legal, right? This inconsistency really gets you thinking about how the ban list is shaped.

What is Backwoods Wizards stance on the length of the ban list?

We feel that a shorter ban list would be ideal, no one enjoys playing against insurmountable advantage but it's crucial to address only the most problematic cards banned to keep players content.

What is the purpose of the MTG Commander ban list?

The purpose of the MTG Commander ban list is to keep the game balanced by identifying cards that can disrupt gameplay too much. This helps ensure a fun and fair experience for all players.

How many Conspiracy cards are banned in Commander?

There are twenty-five Conspiracy cards that are banned in Commander and all other MTG formats.

What is 'Rule 0' in Commander?

'Rule 0' is all about having open conversations among players about the power levels of their decks to ensure everyone enjoys a balanced game. It’s a great way to keep the fun alive!

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